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How do you put a value on a human being?
Louise Morse
December 9, 2024
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In a culture that sees value in contributing and producing, in doing rather than being, how do you put a value on an older person?
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How do you put a value on a human being?
Louise Morse
December 9, 2024
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In a culture that sees value in contributing and producing, in doing rather than being, how do you put a value on an older person?
Ageism affecting older people.
Caring for older people
Healthy living in old age
How do you put a value on a human being?
In a culture that sees value in contributing and producing, in doing rather than being, how do you put a value on an older person?
KC says safeguards promised by supporters of assisted dying bill not worth the paper they're written on.
As the assisted dying bill comes before Parliament supporters are saying that safeguards will protect vulnerable people from feeling the 'duty to die', but eminent KC says these safeguards are irrational and unreliable.
Don't drive your car - your wheels could fall off
Owners of cars costing £thousands have been warned that their wheels may fall off due to manufacturing fault. But the wheels on my old Mitsubishi Colt are safe thanks to second hand bolts.
A talking picture frame that could reduce agitation in dementia.
A new 'talking' picture frame could reduce agitation in dementia and help combat loneliness.
What purpose is there in the life of a person living with dementia?
God has designed each human life with a purpose, even when the journey includes dementia.
We don’t need assisted suicide, we need better palliative care.
We don't need to legalise assisted suicide: we need better funding for palliative care and we need to pray about it.
Three hours standing on a crowded train and giving thanks?
Standing and squashed in a small space for three hours on a long distance train is not something you'd choose - but when God sends good company you can give thanks for it!
Deep calls to deep, and brings life in dementia
Spiritual input and support essential for Believers living with dementia: the results are sometimes astonishing
Use it or lose it - it's never too late
Using your brain in later life can delay dementia by up to five years.
A very present danger - who will save us when the right to die becomes the duty to die?
The push for assisted suicide continues, with a bill presented in the House of Lords last Friday, but if the law was passed in this country who would protect the disabled and the old and frail?
Gadgets to the Rescue
Cans, bottles, packaging of all kinds is getting harder to remove - but there are gadgets that can help.
A true children's story that grounds adults in what really matters
A little boy describes how his sister, living with impairments and illustrated in a wheelchair, calms him in a storm and smiles at him - a focus on things that really matter in life.
Doctor living for 15 years with dementia tells what makes a truly dementia inclusive church
Dr Jennifer Bute has been living with Alzheimer's dementia for 15 years and in a meeting with Louise Morse over Zoom, discusses what makes a church truly dementia inclusive.
‘Spirituality Intervention’ led to Lower Blood Pressure control.
Scientific research studies usually trial drugs to reduce hypertension, but one based on spiritual interventions was highly successful.
The light's off, but there's definitely someone in there
Even when behaviour is changed due to dementia and it seems that the person has gone - their spirit is still there, deep inside. The way we respond to them honours their God-given personhood.
Older car drivers and insurance premiums
Older drivers need their cars for shopping and to avoid isolation, but insurance premiums are increasingly prohibitive.
When it’s hope against hope, the Easter version wins
We are held up by the real hope that has evidence (Hebrews 11: 1-6),including the 'tribulation' of dementia.
Improving their health - the Fairwater Fish Bar Bunch
It's a companiable cup of tea with friends around a table in a fish bar - but it's also a social intervention that improves health and helps reduce the risk of dementia.
Our souls are not good if detached
Connections are important, especially the social kind - we are not good if detached. God designed us to be connected to one another, and when that connection is lost, the soul suffers.
Think twice before saying ‘you look good for your age.’
Think twice before giving the back-handed compliment that reveals ageist thinking.
A World without Christianity ?
The world would be a very dark place without Christianity. Sharon James outlines the reasons why.
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