Worshipping with dementia
Short, themed devotions for tired minds.

Meditations, Scriptures and prayers for people with dementia and their carers.

A number of people, from a range of church backgrounds, contributed to this book.  It gives hard-pressed people a book they can pick up and leaf through for words and Scriptures and prayers to help at any time. It will do is let them know they are not alone. The collection is topic related, so someone can turn to the page(s) on ‘feeling rejected’, or ‘being misunderstood, ‘ or ‘being angry, ‘ or ‘feeling guilty’, or any of the things that affect them personally.

A daughter wrote how her mother read a section of the book every day to her father until he died, and then she kept it and read it herself again.  ‘Perhaps you could rename it,’ she suggested, ‘it is a blessing and appropriate for everyone.’

‘Wonderful book, relevant to all’, wrote one reviewer.  ‘This was bought for a friend whose husband is in the early stages of dementia and she is thrilled with it.  It’s has given her new insights.’

‘We use it when we go into care homes and residents appreciate it.  We notice that carers are listening too’, a pastoral leader.

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From the book:


A friend to strengthen                                                      

Jonathan, Saul’s son, arose and went to David into the woods, and strengthened his hand in God.

1 Samuel 23:16 (NKJV)

David was in great difficulty. Chosen by the Lord to be king, he seems more like a convict in hiding than a king in waiting. Saul, the current king, is set on David’s distraction. With a large army Saul is hunting for David and his 600 supporting men. “Saul looked for him every day,” reads the Scripture in verse 14.

Think what it must have been like for David, waking up each morning knowing that Saul might capture him that day. He would have wondered how the Lord could fulfil his promise and place him on the throne. Here he was, having been appointed by Samuel (one Samuel 16:13), now in danger of being beheaded by Saul.

The woods provided a hiding place for David and his men. Then came a welcome visitor, Jonathan, who loved David and was intent on supporting him.  Saul’s aim was to kill David. Jonathan, who was Saul’s son, had an altogether different aim. He wanted to strengthen David’s hand in God.

What a lovely meeting it must have been as Jonathan encouraged and supported David in his time of need and difficulty. Look for some opportunity to meet a godly friend who can strengthen you in your walk with the Lord today. Or perhaps you can be a Jonathan today and strengthen someone in difficulty to continue steadfast in their trust in the Lord.


Dear Lord, you directed Jonathan to strengthen David in his hour of need. Provide a ‘Jonathan Opportunity’ today so that we may all be strengthened in the Lord’s good hand. Amen

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