A hero with a Godly Perspective
Patrick Hutchison went as a ‘senior’ to protect the young in a protest demo in London and rescued white racist.
Patrick Hutchison went as a ‘senior’ to protect the young in a protest demo in London and rescued white racist.
For some weeks at the height of the Covid pandemic the elderly were denied hospital treatment, according to an investigation by the Sunday Times. The NHS has issued a rebuttal.
If a physical condition is the reason you need care, whether in your own home or in a care home, the NHS has a fund to pay for it. It’s called Continuing Healthcare. But they have refused, in tens of thousands of cases. Now the former head of the UK’s Nuclear Deterrent Programme aims to launch a $5bn lawsuit to make them pay, and refund those they refused.
Keeping frail elderly residents safe from Covid is not abuse and cruelty, as a national newspaper claims. Care homes are going many extra miles to keep them happy and occupied.
An article by a Health Editor in the national press suggests that care homes’ safety measures are a form of abuse and lead to residents’ horrible, lonely death. Nothing could be further from the truth. Older people are safer in care homes than in their own homes.
Isolation during the pandemic is having a bad effect on our mental health, but here are ten top tips to help.
When doctors give terminal diagnoses, they are supportive, with deep empathy. Now it’s proposed that they tell patients the news by Skype.
Fast food eateries are familiar and comfortable social spaces that older people like, says recent research from Michigan. And socialising boosts cognitive health, and reduces the risk of dementia.
Even in the deepest dementia, when the person seems to have disappeared, he or she remains. And God still speaks to His people. This is just one story of that.
Analysis of late data following unsuccessful trials of an ‘anti-Alzheimer’s’ drug showed that it might help a few people if given earlier and in larger doses. Now approval for further trials are to be fast tracked through the American FDA
Millions of over 75s will be hearing from the BBC shortly, with instructions for paying the full fee, unless they receive pension credit. But proving they receive the credit could seem to many to be making them susceptible to fraud.
Laughter is the best antidote to the gloom and doom we’re hearing from all over the world!
Care home resident Joan Willetts, 104, covers 17 miles walking 4 times a day up steep ramp to raise £thousands for charity.
When comedienne Maureen Lipman’s husband died in 2004, she didn’t know how to grieve because her role was to make people laugh. Now, 16 years later, she can see where she went wrong. We’re not that good at grieving here in the UK, but with so much of it around because of Covid, we need to learn to do better. Learn about a new booklet on its way.
350 people self-isolated to stop the plague. 260 of them died. But they succeeded, and deserve to be honoured.
The danger that dementia poses for all of us, and the heartbreaking stories of people struggling with it, who need care.
In the Covid-10 crisis, many people haven’t been able to say goodbye to their loved ones. It can make grieving more intense, and the shock greater. But Jesus holds all things together, and we can tell Him what we want our loved one to know.
Excluded from the care home because of the Covid crisis, each day he blows a kiss over the wall to his wife of 49 years.
The reality of life in the Covid crisis has shifted our values, so we now recognise the value of people like carers, who make a difference in people’s lives.
When we pray there’s a gap between what we see in our circumstances and what we’re asking God to do. As King Jehoshaphat’s strategy reveals, praise helps us bridge that gap: we always need to mind the gap!
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