A year’s isolation has brought depression, apathy and hopelessness to many, especially older people.
But here’s an antidote! ‘Brain and Soul Boosting for Seniors’ (BSBS) is a series of themed sessions for smallish groups (one-to-one in own home, or in faith groups 12 for those with dementia, or 20 for those without). It has been banishing depression and restoring a sense of purpose since it was launched 5 years ago.
It’s used in churches, in sheltered housing, in care homes, in private homes and in hospitals. A chaplain said it so improved the wellbeing of patients with dementia that the psychiatrist came into the Day Room during a session ‘to see what was going on.’ It has sharpened minds, strengthened souls, and renewed participants’ sense of worth and purpose. An outreach team leader said that in sheltered housing it brought people together and has led some to faith.
On March 9th at 2:30 three experts, Sally Trigg, Jo Dunne, and Janet Jacob, talk about how BSBS can work in your situation.
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