How to deal with terrifying news headlines
Today’s news headlines are enough to make stone statues nervous and depressed – yet God has already given us the wisdom we need in handling them.
Today’s news headlines are enough to make stone statues nervous and depressed – yet God has already given us the wisdom we need in handling them.
Even those with the strongest faith have questions about God, live, and eternity. J John’s new book answers 38 of the most prevalent – and difficult! Such as ‘Why does God allow evil?’ and why do bad things happen to good people?
Criminals are stealing home-owners’ identities, then selling their homes without their knowledge.
We were born to have purpose in life, but often we feel adrift and without it. But God has planned our purpose for us even before we were born – we just need to adjust our view of what it means!
Many things make Christmas special, but one thing can make it even better for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment. Our new Brain & Soul Boosting for Seniors’ Christmas special can help strengthen mental processes (cognition) and bring contentment that creates perfect conditions for ‘re-menting’ – that stepping through the fog momentarily as wholly themselves.
Although he’s loved by many as an actor and entertainer, there was little love or respect in Billy Connolly’s childhood. In his new book he describes one of the best things that happened to him was when an elderly man gave him a ‘bob-a-job’ along with respect and a listening ear.
Hairdresser says thank you to her older customers for their loyalty, and to encourage them as they come out of lock-down. She organises a fish and chip lunch and other retailers chip in to help, also.
Anti-vaxxers are entitled to their choices, but is it right that when they get Covid they put extra pressure on the NHS and people needing urgent treatment are denied it?
This week the nation teeters on the brink of choosing to serve God or Mammon. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan for funding social care properly is to raise national insurance contributions or taxes. But he is opposed by Cabinet members who say it is morally wrong to raise taxes. Is it morally right to refuse help to thousands of disabled adults, or frail elderly? Are we serving Mammon or Grace?
We are so used to living day by day, just coping and growing in faith that we rarely take time to wonder how life would look if the Serpent hadn’t ‘won’ in the Garden of Eden. Here are some thoughts by one of the world’s best Bible scholars.
With no cure for dementia attention turns to prevention and things that can hold the symptoms back – Brain & Soul Boosting Sessions are doing just that!
New research shows that a friend who listens and using technology to stay in touch increases brain volume, improves cognition by ‘4-years worth’, and staves off dementia.
When social isolation was introduced and residents in our care homes couldn’t have visits from their families and friends our carers were swift to bring
Good news doesn’t sell newspapers, which is why news about Covid is often presented in a scary way.
The risk of getting dementia increases with age, but new data shows that 80 year-olds who exercise have less risk than younger, sedentary adults.
After being paralysed and unable to speak for 18 years, with the aid of a brain implant ‘Pancho’s words’ came up on a computer screen.
Yesterday saw the Worlds First Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, instituted by Pope Francis. Every year, on the 4th Sunday in July, we will have the chance to especially celebrate them – and let them know how important they are to us and to our culture!
Many of those suddenly bereaved by Covid during the pandemic weren’t able to say their final goodbye and are turning to spiritualism to make contact with their loved ones.
After campaigning to change the law on assisted dying, ‘crusader’ ends his life painlessly and peacefully.
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