Category: Healthy living in old age

Healthy living in old age
Louise Morse

Shaking off the emotional shackles of lockdown

Soon we’ll be able to step out of lock-down, but many older people will be imprisoned still by anxiety and depression.  Brain and Soul Boosting for Seniors is a proven way of drawing them together and unlocking their chains.

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Lord, give me patience!

We need patience as we wait for the vaccine roll-out, and the pandemic to end. A Seminary in California has found a way of helping students develop it.

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Healthy living in old age
Louise Morse

Have you a negative view of 2021?

The most important thing we can do in 2021 is to watch what we are thinking. ‘Proverbs 4:23 (NIV), “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

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Healthy living in old age
Louise Morse

Dancing with Grandma

During the CV-19 lock-down, grandparents and grandchildren are keeping in touch over WhatsApp, Skype and so on, but are missing the human touch, and the hugs. Once lock-down is over, a new study suggests that , dancing with grandma will do more good than they realise.

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